Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day five: Yuma (rest)

If the good lord could designate an entire day for kicking back and enjoying a cold one, then His Mischief might as well take a day and do the same…and it might as well be in Yuma, AZ.

After waking up well past noon in air-conditioned, stuccoed comfort, the boys of our hearts put in some good shower time, perhaps in hopes of washing off whatever Albuquerque grime might remain. A trip to a taco place and a few hobo photos later—

Sheridan takes a power nap:

One way to recycle:



—they’re back on the road, bound for the soulless border town of Yuma.

Motel 6 is the lucky host of the objects of our affection for tonight, and they somehow end up with what might be described as the Presidential Suite. Not much happens: showers, sushi, television. A little exploring. Even the shots and beers Quinn and Brown bring back cannot keep our group from their ultimate destination for the day: sleep.

Moral of today’s story: even rock stars take a day off from the rock-star life every once in a while.


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